This activity is an animation of a bunch of fish swimming. In this animation, Layer Parenting of Animation is being used, where the fins of fish are connected to their bodies. This animation also includes creating a group of fish moving together.
The components that were involved in creating the animation were the stage, timeline, properties, panel, and tools panel. The tool used was the selection tool. On the timeline, Parenting View is used for the layers’ transformations, Inserting Keyframe is used to mark the key poses of the fish, and Classic Tweening is used to create a simple motion effect between keyframes.
Creating an animation of a fish was both exciting and challenging. In this activity, I learned that creating a simple, less than one-minute animation is complex, even when using beginner animation software. The challenge that I encountered in this activity was connecting the fins of the fish to the body, because if you fail to connect them properly, some of the fins will not move along with the body. Another challenge was the selection of keyframes and moving the fish from their positions to the other end of the stage. If the steps for making this animation are not followed, the fish will not move from one side to the other. Nevertheless, with the help of some classmates and a thorough attention to detail and review of the steps, this animation was successful.
The new skill that I learned from this activity is how to make one part of a body of the character move with the whole. And I also understood the layers’ use in making animation.